Tá seachtain na rothar buailte linn arís agus leis an feabhas san aimsir le déanaí, is deis iontach í na daltaí ar fad a spreagadh le teacht ar scoil ar rothair gach lá. Beidh Garda Pobail ag tabhairt cuairte orainn ar an Aoine beag seo chun labhairt leis an daltaí faoi sabháilteacht ar an mbóthar. Beidh M.Emma agus M.Daniella ag eagrú deiseanna do na ranganna ar fad rothaíocht a chleachtadh ar an tarmac chun a scileanna a fheabhsú.
Tá sé tábhachtach ó thaobh caomhnú na timpeallachta de go n-úsáidfí rothair, scútair agus fiú siúil na gcos chun teacht ar scoil chomh minic agus is féidir agus laghdú ar úsáid na gcarr agus molaimid daoibh bhur bpáistí a spreagadh é seo a dhéanamh nuair is féidir.

Bike Week has rolled around again and with the recent improvement in the weather, it is an excellent opportunity to encourage all of our pupils to cycle to school each day. The Community Garda will be visiting the school this Friday to talk to the children about road safety. M.Emma and M.Daniella will arrange sessions with all the classes to practice their cycling on the tarmac to help develop their skills.
It is very important from an environmental perspective that bicycles, scooters and even walking are used as often as possible when coming to school in order to reduce the use of car journeys as much as possible and we recommend that you encourage your children to do so when possible.