Bhí bliain thar a bheith rathúil againn sa Féile Ceoil agus ghlac gach uile rang páirt i gcomórtais ranga agus dar ndóigh ghlac an-chuid dár ndaltaí páirt sna comórtais aonair chomh maith. Táimid thar a bheith buíoch as na múinteoirí ar fad a chabhraigh leis an ullmhúchán agus dar ndóigh buíoch as na tuistí a thacaigh leo ag cleachtadh lena bpáistí agus ag déanamh culaithe agus fearais srl do na taispeántais ar fad.
D'éirigh go breá linn (mar is gnáth!) agus d'éirigh lenár ranganna cúig chorn a bhreith linn i rith na seachtaine. Is ábhar bróid don scoil é an iarracht a dhéanann sibh ar fad chuile bhliain leis an bhFéile Ceoil agus táimid ag tnúth cheana féin le Féile na bliana seo chugainn.

We enjoyed an extremely successful year in the Arklow Music Festival this year and every single class participated in the group competitions and of course many of our pupils competed in the individual events also. We are very grateful to all the múinteoirí for all their preparations and of course to the parents too who supported them and their children by making costumes and props etc for all the performances.
We did very well (as always!) and our classes managed to bring home five trophies in the course of the week. It is a source of great pride to the school all the hard work that goes into the Arklow Music Festival every year, and we are already looking forward to next year's instalment.